Large image of Benson


Adult Male Siberian Husky

This pet is no longer available for adoption.

Benson's Holiday Wish List

Meet Benson. Benson has recently come back to Husky House and is in need of a special family. He suffers from pulmonary bullae, which are sacs or blisters on the inside of his lungs. It is a chronic medical condition that he will have throughout his whole life. Due to chronic lung issues, Benson will need restricted exercise and often have to go on antibiotics as he will be more susceptible to pneumonia.This condition is considered terminal but Benson has no idea and he’s happy and in zero pain. He loves to play with stuffy toys, walk in the woods, going to random new places and adventures! Interested in adopting Benson? Please visit today to fill out an application.

  • Up to date with vaccinations
  • Special Needs yes
  • Not good with cats!
  • Available 11/24/2018
  • Birth Date 11/01/2015 (may not be exact)