Young Male Siberian Husky / Mixed
This pet is no longer available for adoption.
Tibetian is a handsome red boy rescued in the nick of time after he nearly died from heat stroke from being left outside in the south. He is being fostered in Massachusetts and looking for a home in the New England area. Tibbs is a sweetheart who loves everyone and gets along well with all other dogs. He is a playful and puppyish one and a half year old who is very affectionate. He loves to play in water and to fetch tennis balls and to go for walks. He really enjoys playing with his foster brothers who are also Siberians, but he cannot live with a cat. He is totally housetrained and is also crate trained. His adoption fee is $300. Please email Ruth at rhanley1@yahoo.com to find out more about this adorable boy! He is neutered, microchipped, dewormed & updated on all shots.
The minimum age for adopters is 23 years old.
We DO NOT do long distance adoptions because we do home visits prior to the pup going to its new home.
We do not adopt out Siberian puppies (under 1 year of age) unless you have prior Siberian experience.
We DO NOT place in homes that rely on the invisible/electric fence as the sole means of containment. If your yard is fenced in - your fence must be at least 5 feet tall.
Online Adoption Application
Website: http://www.huskyhouse.org
Adoption Donations are as follows:
Puppies (under 1 year ) $350 and up
Adults (1 year -6 years) $300
Seniors (7years & over) $150-$200
Small Breeds - $400 (not including seniors)
- Up to date with vaccinations